Just got some nice pics from a friend from a weekend trip at the beginning of the summer. This post is for you, V & A. Since we moved here they are the one family that feels comfortable. Their adorable son Nikhil who is almost 2 years old is Anika's boyfriend(they hug everytime they meet, see the kiss below) and guru..she watches and learns and we the parents get a chance to hang out and not be overwhelmed by constant parenting for the times that we can share the load. Here are some pics and a small blurb I wrote while Aniika took a nap....
June 9th, Port Aransas, TX 1:10pm
I'm sitting with my legs propped up at a windswept beach home in Port Aransas, TX. We are at V's familys' 41 year old beach home on an island just north of Corpus Christi. It is beautiful and muggy here. the damp salt air is clinging to my skin, I can actually feel the weight of the air, like Bombay. D and V are reading racy paperbacks, A and the kids are sleeping. All around us are sun bleached mementos of a family. The flags of the world are all one colour now, on the poster anyway. A wooden board says, 'Heaven's a little closer in a house by the sea,' that couldn't be more true. Thank you God for friends.
I was FINALLY able to get on your blog and I have been reading it for over an hour. And what a sweet post that was about our trip to Port A... made me smile a lot... that was a really good time! We need to make another trip there when it gets a little cooler.
Was reading your post about the family bed... worrying whether you're doing the right thing or not... and then I looked at the picture of you entertaining the kids at the coast... they are having a blast and completely focused on your performance (Abhi and I are too)! I hope you realize what a great mom you are... so creative, so caring... Anika is one lucky little girl to have you! All the special times you guys have together are what's important... you just do whatever you think is best regarding the sleeping arrangements... it will all work out fine.
By the way, bless you for not putting a picture of me in a bathing suit up here (ha!ha!).
Hey Vicki!! Good to finally see you here=)
Thank you so much for your kind words about my mama skills...sometimes its hard to keep it all straight especially with the lack of sleep..but all the cuddling is so worthwhile...anyway will do what comes naturally...
Ya, we should go to Port A soon, that was a very relaxing trip..
Hey what about you blogging?
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