Having D home for the past week has been wonderful. We didn't have any major plans just hanging around the house, doing errands and meeting friends. We really needed the down time. His job is so stressful and busy it feels as though during the week we don't have any time to even talk. He gets home, we have dinner, clean up, bathe baby and then its bed time, most nights I'm so exhausted I fall asleep while putting her to bed. This past week we did everything together going to the park, the doctor, eating, playing, cooking, cleaning..everything, he got to witness our mama daughter days. Thumki was spoilt rotten with both of us around ALL the time, even a slight little 'bunk' had to be kissed better by both parents. She was glowing with all the love. It was as if she knew it wasn't going to last long so she capitalized on papa time as much as possible..a happy side effect was that I had many morning coffees to myself reading and pontificating..aah bliss. I feel revitalised now, ready to take on long days once more.
Today we went for a play date to a public park by the lake. Mama E brought pumpkin muffins and apples. Thumki ate a little apple and then wanted to run around and explore. She saw the lake in the distance and kept walking towards it while saying 'Ya yome, ya yome' that's 'I want, I want'. She walked quite a long distance, undeterred by my pleas to slow down and collect some leaves, this was the purpose/theme of the playdate. She marched on resolutely till she reached the little lake. She was thrilled to see the sun glinting off the water and little ducks swimming around, she wanted to get in immediately! I had a tough time distracting her away from this desire.
She looked so adorable in her latest Nani made sweater...my camera is not working so I can't post a pic, if one of the other mama's took a pic I will put it up so mama can see her handiwork on her precious little grand daughter. I feel so lost without my camera, I have to have it fixed before our India trip. I have visions of choti playing in mapa's building and walking around in the macchi market pointing at all the cats in delight, chasing the dogs around the building and generally being a big star! She will LOVE it, little diva that she is. I'm really looking forward to going to Bombay and blogging there, I want to take tons of pics. I'm looking forward to meeting Sur and lil Sanah.
what a gorgeous picture of thumki... how lovingly and gently she has placed her hand on the other child's face.
and looking forward to your visit!
isn't it lovely? that's with her bff Nikhil=) too cute they are always higging each other..
we should be there in Jan end and ready to visit in Feb, yippee!
Hey Anj ... I am very very jealous and totally PACTY of nikhil and nikoos pose on the dolphin ... she has got this lovely far-away look in her eyes while holding nikhil :-)) TOOOOOOO CUTE Love you darling and Im so glad that you guys had a lovely time together with D -- you all deserve so much love and I pray that it flows ceaselessly :)
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