Saturday, November 17, 2007

Making fun out of nothing at all

Ok its the beginning of a week of vacation, i need to chill and put away the snicker snacker for some peace.

I was sitting and enjoying a rare morning coffee alone, before she woke up and just about to start blogging when she called out..i asked D to take her because its his turn, considering I was a single parent yesterday all day, he came home after a work social event after she was asleep. Now this is unusual for him, I was happy he was doing something other than work and being dutiful at home because all work and no play does make him a dull boy. Anyhoo, so i was all supportive yesterday but in the fine print was, the long week is coming up, I can relax and get some much needed time to myself...He plucked her out of bed and plonked her next to me while I had the laptop on the top of my When you get her, you're responsible for the tasks that go along with the morning routine..susu, brushing, changing...? Alright its done, he's doing it, I should move on..

Parenting is tough on relationships, we argue over who does more..I think its important to have a conversation about chores. 50 -50 is the ideal, but is it practical? How do you compare tasks? How do compare work outside the house to cooking and childcare? Its hard to be very obsessive about scheduling/planning, I mean this is a family not a company, right? Earlier on we had tried to make a long list of things that need to be done, with names and days next to them..but it never works, never and it just creates more frustration and resentment when things do not go according to plan..I can't be like L who runs her household like a military have to be home at this time, the kids have to sleep at this time, they watch only one hour of tv, no exceptions even if they cry. Dad has to make dinner on this day etc etc.

This morning D made a list of all that needs to be done in the time off and all the days have filled up with 'stuff' finances, appointments, cleaning etc. And this is his VACATION from a very stressful job..when does he get a chance to have down time? I guess as long as we keep going to the Park or taking Thumki on lil adventures in between all the work, it will feel like a holiday. I really want to buy some furniture and art supplies for her...

Ok this is perfect, while I'm sitting her pontificating dear D has thumki on the kitchen counter while he is putting together some flour to make pizza is thrilled to be included, Now Anika, what we need is 4 and a quarter cups of flour'...Anika, 'Num num..mmm..yeh a aaah..a a a a,' arms flying. 'De dom'..Dad and baby are already on vacation, I need to go and join the fun!


Bonnie said...

Vacations no longer exist once you have kids. I always say that it's the same shit, different scenery.

anja said...

Ha ha! That's hilarious and so true..welcome to my blog bonnie=)