Tuesday, September 18, 2007

This amazing child

These days Thumki amazes us alot. She is growing so quickly and her mind is so sharp. She has exhibited immense comprehension, memory, attention, humour, thoughfulness, concern...so small and yet her mind is expanding so quickly right before our eyes. I swear she understands EVERYTHING I say, this is just amazing to me...She has some new words, her latest is Wow..= )

Since when she was a lil one everytime a plane flew overhead I would wave and say bye bye airplane, now I suddenly see her waving and I'm not sure why...just as I'm asking her who she is waving to, I will hear the airplane! As I start to say,'Oh! mama just heard that." she smiles and points to her ears. I know this seems like nothing to most people but when I think about how I only just a few days ago showed her her ears with a word for them and explained that is where we hear from, it amazes me that she is able to put all this together so quickly.

Dh bought her a lovely picture dictionary recently and she is able to point out all sorts of things that I had no idea she knew...eg 'where is the hair brush or the broccoli or the banana or the car etc.' And this is from just her interactions with these things in the real world..its stunning, she is like a sponge who absorbs everything. Nowadays, I can tell her attention span is longer, she seeks me out to sit down for awhile to look at new things in her book, she listens intently as I blabber on about things...The human mind is beautiful. Mmasi was talking about 'The Institute of Human potentional' and mentioned that a child is a result of how much we put in, the output is directly proportional to the input. The days I spend alot of quality time with her, teaching her new concepts, she sleeps longer as if processing all the new info. Last night she said 'so sleepy' in her sleep, but she never says that while awake..

The other really cool thing is her quickly developing sense of humor..yesterday, she was sitting on the table while D and I ate dinner and she farted...she looked up at me to see if I noticed and when I met her eyes, she giggled! We all laughed for five minutes after that. It was hilarious, I guess I shouldn't make a habit of laughing at her flatulence!

She also plays by herself for much longer periods of time now. She has long conversations with her stuffed toys, making them walk around, or sleep or swim, ever since Sea world!

Since she's been a baby I made up songs about whatever we were doing. Today as we walked to the park I created a new hit. I sang this song to the tune of Old Macdonald,
Thumki and mama going to the Park,
Going to the park now..
We'll swing on the jhula
and zoom on the slide,
Up up down down down!'

She literally rocked her body to the beat all the way to the park! It was fun.

Since its gotten cooler we have a good routine of going to the park for an hour and half in the morning and about an hour in the evening, she absolutely loves it. If I let her she would stay there all day long and sleep on the rocks around the playscape. This past Friday she climbed up the steps and came down the slide on her own for the first time, she was thrilled. I was happy and oh so sad too..she doesn't need me to take her 'up up up' everytime now..she's growing up tooooo quickly, my little jaan.



Hey my anika rani ... your baby is truly amazing and yeah as malu says input = output ... start reading books and math tables to her -- befor you know it show will be reciting them like a lil parrot. I love the way you make her do so many adventurous things and take her to the park ... all of this activity near nature will make her an even more beautiful soul


BTW I love the way she keeps looking out of windows ... she is a free bird :) OOOOOOOOOOH I love your baby ... please squeeze her for me and that videa of her falling on Palu to give him a hug was to die for ... we were all squealing thru every moment of it :)

anja said...

my darling pri..i love you all too and miss you'll like crazy...Pray that she feels better real quick...


How is bitia rani doing? We have all been praying for her speedy recovery. I want you to take a video of her running around once again ... Love you and please blog more soon -- Pri

SUR NOTES said...

hey, i posted a message a couple of days back but it seems to have been gobbled up by the cyber space cadet!

i wrote asking why there was no new post. and now i read this message about thumki being ill. whats happening? all well now?

takec care