Friday, February 17, 2006

Pregnant pause

Its been so long since I posted..lots been goin' on. D has already moved to Austin I am still in the NorthEast trying to finish my film so I can be reunited with my family...I am also really enjoying the preganancy alot now, I never thought I would say this but I am thinking of a second..ironic after my previous post. I have been eating alot which is fun and I am not nauseous anymore, I also have a lot more energy and I can't wait for the baby. I can't wait to have D's baby..what a thrill, I'm more in love with him now than ever before=) Its a very positive feeling to be carrying a life around in my belly. readign about violence around the world really bugs me takes a lot to create a child and I hate to think of those precious children born of love and brought up with care with hopes and dreams being squandered away in wars.

1 comment:

SUR NOTES said...

hi! has missed seeing your comment in my blog. have fun with your pregnancy. i enjoyed my pregnancy, its magical, and then when the baby is out the pregnancy seems even more magical. the wonder of it that you created this little person inside of you! and when the baby goes beserk the same magic turns to horror! enjoy! and have a safe pregnancy...